I LOVE THE SNOW!!! I wanna get that straight out there as all it gets is negative press...yes, everything grinds to a halt and people can't get to work and the country shuts down and ruins peoples lives...but lets focus on the positives...
1) EVERYWHERE looks pretty...even the abandoned dump of a warehouse opposite my work window, which has gone from being a creepy tip...to a 'charming ruin'.
2) Snowfights
3) I no longer have to pay a ridiculous amount to go skiing...
Me and a couple of pals decided to go sledging, so I turned up, all confident and excited with...a tea tray (it was arranged at short notice). Imagine my utter embarassment when they turned up with their snowboards...oh good! However...i got to have a go and was literally snowboarding down Woodthorpe Park in Nottingham! So surreal! It started snowing as we were boarding away...and despite the council flat next to us, we could have been in the French Alps.....gnarly dudes....
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