So off to the hairdressers I popped, all anxious and fearful, much like the dentists. This could be disastrous. Recently my hair was at it's longest, most natural and I was generally at peace with it...should I be mixing it up? This happened....
As you can see....disappointment all round. So, just before turning 29, I decided to take action. I LOVED being a bit red, but I'd had a taste and now wanted to really go for it. So I just picked up the brightest permanent red Boots had to offer, went home and applied. The first 5 minutes when it started tingling and a burning sensation crept across my scalp was a tad worrying...but stuck with it...and when washed off the result almost ended in tears. Which is actually a good thing as it was a shock....which means it made a difference!
Anyhoo...I now LOVE it and can't imagine being brunette just seems a bit...boring (no offence-its my natural) but being red feels a little naughtier, more adventurous and as soon as my scalp calms down...the only way is redder!!!