Monday, 23 May 2011

Six Go Glamping!

When my friend invited me Glamping I am almost ashamed to say I was more excited about the prospect than my summer holiday abroad!! If you're not up to speed with the Glamping phenomenon-it's basically camping made easy...almost glamorous-hence Glamping...of course. Some people say this is against the whole point of camping. I disagree. Lets be honest, camping can be miserable! If it's chucking it down (which inevitably it often is) who actually enjoys putting up a soggy tent, waking up to damp clothes, stumbling outside to use the loo in natures garden or grim cold toilet block, probably out of loo roll and sleeping on the floor. Thats never fun...

Glamping is perfect! I love 'the great outdoors' therefore always want to go camping but with this you get the best of both worlds. In our case we had a giant tent-reminiscent more of a log cabin, that slept six. Complete with a wood burning stove, large rustic wooden kitchen table, sink, toilet and even....a hot tub!! Well...more like a barrel with hot water but still pretty pimp. It was SO COSY. It was still pretty basic-but in a romantic rustic way. We were actually quite glad when it rained so we could all cosy up in blankets, toast marshmallows and play poker round the kitchen table, whilst boiling kettles of tea on the stove. Sound a bit like The Waltons? Yep-It really was! 

We even had to charge the battery powered electricity with a mounted bike on our veranda. Luckily this power lasted a long time-you don't have to continously power-otherwise someone would be drawing a short straw!

Oh, and being tucked away in the Lake District it was pretty remarkable to step outside onto your own jetty and private lake...with 1920's wooden Quite possibly one of my favourite ever weekends away!! 

Certainly not a bad view to wake up to....

Home Sweet Home....

Lets go boating....

The bike to power electricity...

BBQ. So cool...

Favourite bed I've ever slept in. The Rabbit Hutch! No wonder rabbits are so happy....

Tea o Clock

Marshmallow melting...

Natures hot tub....


Wednesday, 18 May 2011

The Boudoir Experience

A few weeks ago, when I received an e-mail from a friend asking if I wanted to take part in a 'Boudoir Photo Experience', my inital reaction was to politely decline. Don't get me wrong-I enjoy photoshoots for work! Who doesn't enjoy getting their hair and make up done, getting dressed up and pretending they're Kate Moss. (I don't really pretend to be Moss...much) But this was different. I'd be posing in my pants! I just had visions of me-in my underwear, awkwardly writhing around ala Jordan...and the thought made me cringe....and filled me with angst-because, as much as you see yourself in your underwear at home, in the comfort of your room-hidden from all to see, and even if you're fairly happy with have no idea what you look like on PHOTOGRAPH. I mean...the camera adds ten pounds doesn't it?! However...after a little gentle persuasion and the niggle in my head that I should always 'seize every opportunity' I decided to take the plunge...

After arriving, settling in and a cheeky drink later, I was amazed at how quickly and easily I got into it....It certainly helped having a female photographer. We were straight down to business and before I knew it, I was...quite embarassingly....chanelling my inner 'Satine', ala Moulin Rouge. In fact I was putting her to shame (in my head). I absolutely adore anything Burlesque/Parisian themed which is the whole feel of the style of the shoot. So when the suggestion of 'losing it all' and stripping to, well *ahem* nothing...I willingly obliged. Lets not get carried modesty was cleverly disguised and they were just a few tasteful 'contour' shots. Plus I'm sure I shall enjoy looking back over them once I'm in my 80's! I know it's incredibly cliche, but the whole experience was totally liberating and just a lot of fun!

Here are a few I dare share....

It's AnchorLADY!

With Sam being away the past few days had sooo much fun driving the non-geek radio terms that means anchoring the show. Basically-pushing the buttons! I used to do my own weekend breakfast show...(oh here we go...) so was lovely to be back at the helm! Awkward moment will be when Sam returns tomorrow and has to take my critique of his technique...mwaaah haha! It's ANCHORLADY!!

Just call me Veronica Corningstone...

Here's the more 'refined' breakfast team ;)....Dangerous Dave and the birthday song, lovely little Jennie on the travel (doing some serious shimmies with me), producer Simon, plus a couple of ferrets!